Child Support

When determining the best child support agreement for two individuals, the financial situation of both parties must be considered. At Langdale Vallotton, LLP, our child support attorneys are available to meet with individuals to discuss formulating a child support agreement, reviewing an existing agreement and handling contested changes or child support disputes.

Working with you, our child support attorneys can gather appropriate documents and information to conduct periodic reviews of your child support and ensure that your child consistently receives the support he/she deserves. Whether your case can be solved through mediation or warrants going to court for a fair resolution, our child support attorneys are committed to fighting for what’s just and equitable for your child. We invite you to set up an appointment with us to discuss the child support laws – what’s permissible and what’s illegal – and how we can put the law on your side.

Please contact us for more information or to set up a consultation to meet with our leading child support attorneys.